I’m not allowed to delete while writing this post. I just deleted. No more. So I want to get rid of the feeling of anxiety when I start writing a post. Noone will read it anyway, unless I show it to someone, so this is just for me.

I want to track what I’m learning about beacuse even my limited learning is spent on random posts that I find in an ad-hoc manner. The topics may be close to my interests and even career opportinities but what I’m doing is so disorganized that I’m afraid it is only an illusion that any actual learning is taking place. So let me summarize in this post what I’ve been reading about in the past few days and maybe I can continue doing this.

By doing this, I might be able to spot some patterns of “useless browsing” and “focused learning” and strive to do more and more of the latter. Writing this took about 5-10 minutes. 5 is ok, but shouldn’ be much more.